Groups for Women


CANCER SUPPORT GROUP: We extend an invitation to individuals currently facing cancer, as well as survivors, their loved ones, and caregivers to join our supportive community. Our group is committed to offering comfort and guidance during this difficult period. Meetings are usually held on the first and third Thursday of each month at 6:00 pm in the Community Center, with possible date changes around holidays. For any questions or concerns, please contact Patti Simmers at 702-445-3610.

LEGION OF MARY:  The object of the Legion of Mary is the glory of God through the holiness of its members developed by prayer and active cooperation in Mary’s and the church’s work. Its priority is the spiritual and social welfare of each individual. The members participate in the life of the parish through visitation of families, the sick (in their homes and hospital), and through collaboration in every apostolic and missionary undertaking sponsored by the parish. The praesidium holds a weekly meeting where prayer is intermingled with reports and discussion. Every legionary is required to carry out weekly apostolic work in the spirit of faith and in union with Mary. If you’re interested in joining, please contact Linda Dayawon at 702-956-4272.

MOMS (Ministry of Mothers Sharing):  The Ministry of Mothers Sharing (MoMS) creates an awareness of the inner sacred self, while at the same time teaching us new ways to inspire, encourage, and affirm each other. Through the process of personal and spiritual growth, women have the opportunity to clarify their values, claim their own giftedness, and bring new strengths to their family relationships and to the Christian Community. What is MoMS? MoMS is a small-group, faith-sharing, peer ministry that begins with an eight-week journey that leads a group of women through an experience of self-discovery, mutual support, fellowship, and prayer. It is designed to develop a deeper awareness of your own spirituality as a mother and to greater appreciate your ministry of motherhood. Is this a parenting class or a support group? No. The trained facilitators who guide your journey are women in the ministry who have already been through the program. They will guide you through the MoMS Journal, covering such topics as self-esteem, self-acceptance, stress, worries, anxiety, spirituality, feelings, personal growth, and friendships. For more information, please contact Kim Blanc at 702-528-2457.

NEVADANS FOR THE COMMON GOOD: Welcome to our diverse coalition of institutions in the Las Vegas area. We are proud to have over 40 religious congregations, nonprofits, and other members who have come together to bridge the gaps of race, religion, neighborhood, and political affiliation. Since STm is a member of the NCG, our core team convenes on the third Thursday of every month at the Community Center. We invite all interested parties to attend our meetings and learn more about our mission and initiatives. For further information, please reach out to our STM contact, John Jorgensen, at We look forward to connecting with you and working together towards a more inclusive and united community.

PIECEMAKERS: All are welcome to help our friendly and creative ministry as we make scripture quilts to support those experiencing illness, loss, or hardship. Sewing skills are not required. We typically on the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month at 9:30 am in the Community Center. This ministry is open to all! For more information, please call Pat Burkitt at 702-376-5410.

ROSARY MAKERS: Our ministry provides handmade rosaries to various organizations including Nellis Air Force Base, St. Therese Mission, and Society of St Vincent de Paul to name a few. We typically meet every third Monday of the month at 1:15 pm in room 9 of the Community Center. If you are interested in helping, please contact Deb Mailhot at 702-407-8244.

SENIOR LUNCHEON/GAMES: Join us on the second Thursday of every month at 11:30 am for a complimentary lunch and some enjoyable games for seniors aged 55 and older! Come celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, and more in a fun and relaxing atmosphere. For additional details, please reach out to Salvy McIlvaine at 702-617-4547.

SINGLE SENIORS:  Our active, single 55+ seniors typically meet on the first Tuesday of the month at 10:30 am in the Community Center! For more information, contact Laura Huss at 303-903-2321.

SMALL CHURCH COMMUNITIES:  In the earliest history of the Christian movement members met in each other’s homes for prayer, mutual support, a communal discernment of the presence and movement of the Holy Spirit in their lives, and the sharing of Eucharist. In recent years, around the globe, this original design is being re-created in both rural and urban settings. St. Thomas More joins with many other Catholic parishes and communities in embracing the concept of Small Church Communities and in offering this opportunity to its parishioners. Small Church Communities provide people the opportunity to connect with other Catholics who strive to integrate their faith with their ordinary daily lives in families, in careers, in citizenship, and in social responsibility. Each SCC determines its own schedule and place for meetings; they use the Sunday Scriptures for the coming week as the focus for their reflection; they pray together in simple ways, and they often undertake some social service as a group. To join a group or for more information, please contact the Parish Office at 702-361-3022.

WOMEN’S GUILD:  The STM Women's Guild provides service to the parish and the wider community, supporting women's issues and fostering spiritual opportunities. This group is open to any women (18+) who are active members of the parish. Who Do We Serve? We serve the women of STM, who may be in need of various forms of assistance, we help parish organizations and local groups who may need personal or financial support. As a group, we accept ideas from members and discuss how we may be of assistance. We Have Achieved: Provided support, food, and financial aid to parishioners, prepared food for families who are in the grieving process, volunteered at parish picnics/festivals, supported local organizations such as Living Grace Homes, provided volunteers and baby items to the Women's Medical Resource Center, made sandwiches for the homeless, made chili and sold it for Superbowl Sunday, volunteered at the parish rummage sale, organized and provided baked goods for annual bake sales, organized and made gift baskets for raffles, and much more!  Meeting Information: We generally meet September through June on the third Thursday of the month at 6:00 pm in the Community Center. Annual dues are $10 per person. The meetings begin with prayer and then go into socializing, discussing parish news and the activities that we are developing, enjoying delicious food, and having some fun and we close with a prayer. We strive for spirituality, service to the community, and social gatherings to get to know each other. Come join us...make new friends and help our community! For more information or questions, please contact Barbara Wagner at 702-561-7727. For the most current information on our meetings/events, please see our weekly bulletin.