Adult Faith Formation

We are called to be life-long learners in all aspects of our lives. This includes our faith. The Catholic Church, in its wisdom, continues to say that adults should be at the center of our faith formation efforts. The reasons are obvious. When adults live out and model their faith, the formation of youth and children becomes that much easier. And when adults are living their faith fully, it has a tremendous effect on our homes, our workplaces, and our communities. There are lots of ways adults can grow in their faith, including reading books, listening to podcasts, and attending conferences. Here at St. Thomas More, we provide opportunities for you to continue your own faith journey and growth. 


Click any of the links below to visit the section you’re interested in:

Adult Confirmation

Baptism Preparation (for parents and Godparents)

Becoming Catholic (Formally RCIA)

Engagement Experience

Evangelization and Apologetics

GriefShare (Bereavement Ministry)

Groups for Men

Groups for Women

Spiritual Direction

Women's Spirituality and Bible Study Book Club