We invite you to reach out to the contacts listed below if you have any questions, want to get involved, or need more information.
Adult Faith Programs: Juliann Dwyer
- juliannd@stmlv.org
- 702-476-2281
Altar Teams: Deacon Bob Rudloff
- dcnbob@stmlv.org
- 702-277-0093
Allyfe Pregnancy Clinic Liaison: Cathy Mainardi
- 818-442-5756
App: Amanda Dwyer
- amandad@stmlv.org
- 725-214-5789
Baptisms: Stacey Swiercinsky
- staceys@stmlv.org
- 702-361-3022
Becoming Catholic (Formally RCIA): Juliann Dwyer
- juliannd@stmlv.org
- 702-476-2281
Bereavement Ministry: Juliann Dwyer
- juliannd@stmlv.org
- 702-476-2281
Bible Study / Scripture Study: Karen Sheehy
- 725-204-7319
- karens@stmlv.org
Building & Grounds Office
- 725-204-8591
Bulletin: Amanda Dwyer
- amandad@stmlv.org
- 725-214-5789
Cancer Support Group: Patti Simmers
- 702-445-3610
CMG: Donna Kelly
- donnak@stmlv.org
- 725-204-5559
Community Building Events: Lisa Fairweather
- lisaf@stmlv.org
- 725-214-5655
Confirmation (Adults): Juliann Dwyer
- juliannd@stmlv.org
- 702-476-2281
Confirmation (Teens): Rolyssa Sánchez
- rolyssa@stmlv.org
- 725-204-9995
Constant Contact Emails: Amanda Dwyer
- amandad@stmlv.org
- 725-214-5789
CSA (Catholic Stewardship Appeal): Lisa Fairweather
- lisaf@stmlv.org
- 725-214-5655
Engagement Experience: Regina Comple
- 725-214-7069
- reginac@stmlv.org
Extraordinary Ministers: Lisa Fairweather
- lisaf@stmlv.org
- 725-214-5655
Faith Formation Office (Grades K-8)
- 702-361-8840
Finance Committee: Parish Office
- 702-361-3022
Flower Dedications (Altar Arrangements): Parish Office
- 702-361-3022
Food Pantry: Cheryl Schwarz
- cheryls@stmlv.org
- 725-205-0606
Funerals: Lisa Fairweather
- lisaf@stmlv.org
- 725-214-5655
Gift Shop (Direct Number)
- 702-445-7431
Homebound Ministry: Patti Sabo
- 702-269-3110
Hospitality Ministers: Janie Davis
- 702-361-2780
Knights of Columbus: Rene Robles
- 702-250-4303
- info@stmknights.com
Lectors: Jerry Fairweather
- 702-994-4154
Legion of Mary: Linda Dayawon
- 702-956-4272
Little Kingdom: Cheryl Anne Fernandez
- 702-850-1649
- stmlvlittlekingdom@gmail.com
Marriage Preparation: Regina Comple
- reginac@stmlv.org
- 725-214-7069
Marriage Encounter: Bob Wiebers
- 702-235-7948
Mass Intentions
- Visit the Parish Office during business hours.
Men’s Prayer Group: Mark Gilmour
- 708-287-7120 (not 702)
Men’s Club: Joaquin Hagedorn
M.o.M.S. (Ministry of Mothers Sharing): Kim Blanc
- 702-528-2457
Music Ministry: Lisa Fairweather
- lisaf@stmlv.org
- 725-214-5655
Nevadans for the Common Good: John Jorgensen
Outreach Ministry: Cheryl Schwarz
- cheryls@stmlv.org
- 725-205-0606
Pastoral Council: Parish Office
- 702-361-3022
Piecemakers (Quilting): Pat Burkitt
- 702-376-5410
Rosary Makers: Deb Maihot
- 702-407-8244
Safe Environment Ministry: Kit Lambert
- 702-759-5509
Senior Games/Socials (55+): Salvy Mc Ilvaine
- 702-617-4547
Single Seniors (55+): Laura Huss
- 303-903-2321
Small Church Communities: Juliann Dwyer
- juliannd@stmlv.org
- 702-476-2281
Spiritual Direction: Karen Sheehy
- karens@stmlv.org
- 725-204-7319
Tele-welcoming: Linda Dayawon
- 702-956-4272
Online Giving (Vanco): Anna McGovern
- 725-214-7020
- annam@stmlv.org
Victim’s Assistance: Cindy Hensel (Archdiocese of Las Vegas)
- 702-629-4749
Website: Amanda Dwyer
- amandad@stmlv.org
- 725-214-5789
Welcome Sunday: CJ Campagna
- 702-768-3862
Women’s Guild: Barbara Wagner
- 702-561-7727
Young Adult Ministry: Rolyssa Sánchez
- rolyssa@stmlv.org
- 725-204-9995
Youth Ministry (Life Teen) — Rolyssa Sánchez
- rolyssa@stmlv.org
- 725-204-9995