Virtual Book of Prayers

We created this online space to add prayer intentions (please note that these are not added to our bulletin). Intentions will be left up publicly for up to two months. Click here if you would like to submit a prayer request.



July 24th, 2024: Please pray for my mom Persa Dedaj. She has cancer in the abdomen area. Please pray for her to be cured of her cancer. (Victor D)

July 23rd, 2024: Heavenly Father through your intersession with St. Apollonia please grant me through your mercy a new set of healthy teeth & gums. Also please pray that the temperatures drop as they've been 110+ for 2 months now. Please bring them into the 80's for the rest of the summer with many gentle rains. Thank You Gregory.

July 23rd, 2024: Asking Father God to mend my broken heart. Was planning my wedding only to find out that it was all a lie. To be reimbursed financially, a large personal loan which was lent to a friend. Financial increase to pay off very unexpected debts, and to be blessed with the right Catholic (best friend) husband. IJN. Amen and thank-you. (Mary K)

July 23rd, 2024: Praying for a successful interview on the 13th of August. (Nnenna N)

July 23rd, 2024: I pray that I finally change from the inside out. I pray I finally change for the better in nearly every aspect of my life. I pray I finally grow up, take responsibility for my life and become the adult both me and my parents can be proud of. I pray I finally reestablish a good relationship with my mom soon. I pray I finally lose weight, get into better shape and reverse the diabetes. I pray something wonderful happens today. I pray I am ok today. I pray my health insurance covers almost all my health expenses. I pray great miracles happen soon. I pray great events happen soon. I pray something wonderful happens today. I pray I am ok today. I pray I am ok through this quarantine period. I pray I continue to do well in my job and I am successful. I pray for a new full time legal job with great pay and good people and benefits. I pray good things happen both personally and professionally. I pray I finally meet someone special who can share their light and love and show me a new perspective. I pray I finally save enough money in my account so I can move out and live independently. I pray miracles happen soon. I pray I finally take dance classes within the next few months. I pray wonderful things happen soon. (Thea B)

July 22nd, 2024: For Dominic DeAngelis. For the glory of God to be increased and I decrease.

July 22nd, 2024: For Jack Ryan DeAngelis. Humility virtue. Relentless charity with compassion for those he gives to. (Dominic D)

July 22nd, 2024: For Sugeis Marie Rivera. For the souls in Purgatory. (Ismael R)

July 21st, 2024: For Lolita Militante. We pray for a clear discussion with my mom's doctors as to whether she should undergo excision of her thyroid cancer, considering her age.

July 21st, 2024: Prayer for Nicole Carter Healing for bells palsy on left side of face and left red hand rash and stress also Prayer for God to help me get rid of stomach fat in my stomach becomes flater in Jesus name amen thank you Jesus for weight loss also God to help me not over eat before bed also God to heal cellulite on back of legs arms praise God.

July 21st, 2024: For Andrew Pick. A cheerful spirit.

July 21st, 2024: For Andrew Pick. Healing from bump inside of skin on right thigh pray for God to heal it and goes away supernatural and nothing serious is wrong praise God thank you Jesus Prayer for Andrew Pick long life and good health and good mental health and live over 100 praise God for life and protection from spiritual attacks and healing from depression low energy from psychiatric medicine pray God removes side effects so I don't over sleep and have more energy and blessed days without feeling drained have God give me supernatural energy and happiness only Jesus can give thank you Jesus.

July 21st, 2024: For Andrew Pick. To get on a healthy schedule live healthy lifestyle for my mental health Healing from depression bipolar disorder symptoms Healing from mental torment and protection over my mind and mental health also pray for healing from trauma bad memories in Jesus name amen thank you for praying for me.

July 21st, 2024: For Andrew Pick. Prayer for lack of faith Healing from acid reflux also pray for healing for voice and throat acid causing nausea bulimia pray God heals me and voice to heal from the damage acid throwing up caused praise God.

July 21st, 2024: For Andrew Pick. Healing from chronic fatigue sleeping too much God to give me supernatural energy and become energetic and feel good in my body praise God also healing from depression.

July 21st, 2024: For Andrew Pick. Success in losing weight and break any curses preventing me to lose weight the weight is causeing me health issues pray God gives me supernatural weight loss and God to draw himself close to me uplift my spirit and concentrate better focus and more energy through my body mind emotions so I'm awake more often praise God.

July 21st, 2024: For Andrew Pick. Remove all obstacles hindering my healing and see Manifestation of all my healings and anoint my health and flow into my life in Jesus Christ of Nazareth amen.

July 21st, 2024: For Nicole Carter. Healing for skin and skin becomes healthy.

July 21st, 2024: For Andrew and Nicole Pick. Prayer for protection from witchcraft affecting my health blessings and happiness peace and God to block witchcraft and restore everything stolen through witchcraft in Jesus name amen. 

July 18th, 2024: I ask for prayers that I have no serious disease or cancer as the cologard results I got this week were positive. I have also noticed small knot in my naval area. I pray the colonoscopy will go fine with no finding of cancer. (Frankie T)

July 18th, 2024: Unable to sleep at night. This is affecting my work, energy and other life activities. Also severe left shoulder pain - frozen shoulder. Please pray that my sleep becomes normal with good energy levels, able to go to office and work better also alleviate left shoulder pain. (Linu C)

July 18th, 2024: For my dad who is currently having a lot of health issues and is waiting on tests.

July 18th, 2024: Dear kind friends, We need prayers and masses for the following intentions: 1. Africa; 2. retirement INSS; promise: johrei 3. Middle East; 4. to be discharged from UAI Martins hospital; 5. dysfunctional families; 6. ancestors of spirit Daniel; 7. ancestors of Sagata, Kanno and Hashiguchi families; 8. black slaves deceased; 9.Daniel: lack of control, obsession, adiction, "blowing" and intrigue punishment.stop sing songs,forgiveness, repentance, happiness next; 10. Brazilian public schools; 11. Brazilian election; 12. Brazilian slum; 13. help me when I grow old, fall sick and when I die; 14. working people rights; 15. schizophrenic people; 16. Brazilian public health system: SUS; 17. Sanae (in the present and future): goodness, kindness, wisdom, strong faith, compassion, courage, honesty, QI250, cure gift, strong eyes, children literature writing skill, cure gift, independence, best family, Dom Wilson gift, religious vocation, Denmark; 18. Elisabeth Fritzl and children; 19. cats "Loirinha", machinho and "Coloridinha": health an protection; 20. help me donate all my wealth to the Church; 21. Yoshio and Erika and family: house; join the church;abusive personality; 22. Sanae: financial problem good job: near home homeoffice monday to friday afternoon and night bus:get off right place.receive salary afternoon and night; 23. Mother of spirit Daniel: holy water and respect for my prayers. 24. Guardian angel: talk to me Thank you for your kindness, Klara Vita.

July 18th, 2024: Please pray for the Souls of the deceased ancestors or friends to cross over from Purgatory into Heaven through God's forgiveness. Gah II Ibrahim, Tinki, Guie, Nshare-Yen, Ngou-Pou, Mbombom, Ngon-Nso, Wouten, Felix Mbgarouma, James Chiabi, Emmanuel & Miriam Chiabi, Raphael Akonteh, Macphonse, Joseph & Therese Akonteh, John Viyof Njoh Njob, Angela, Anastasia & Deborah Njob, Irene Chinje, Giberline Mbah, Mungo Ndi Nfor, Patience Luma Nfor. (Bisi N)

July 14th, 2024: To get back together soon with my ex boyfriend carl as a stronger couple that he can see I truly love him and for his well being. (Nathalie O)

July 13th, 2024: For Linda Mariconda. Please pray for me and my wife. She has separated from me with the intention to seek divorce. We have been married 34 years with no children. She has not worked for the past 25 years due to illness. I’ve worked to pay for all expenses including her medical costs the entire time. The entire time she expressed her gratitude for not abandoning her. I feel betrayed by her lack of loyalty to me, but I forgive her and want to reestablish our marriage if it is God’s will. I do not understand the root cause of the problem. My priest believes she potentially suffers from some form of autism based on his pastoral experience, but says a professional psychologist needs to make a determination. However, based on reflection, I believe this might be a root cause of her behavior. Please pray for us. Thank you. (Joe M)

July 11th, 2024: I'm Bryan Blaze from Bangalore, I've been unemployed since the last one and half years, I've attended over 32 interviews in the last 1 year, but nothing seems to happen, there is always some blockage. Please keep me in your prayer intentions so that I'll be able to get a job soon, I shall keep all of you in my prayers too. Thank you. God bless. (Bryan B)

July 9th, 2024: Please pray in thanksgiving for our many blessings, we are so grateful for our family, health and our home. Please pray for my husband that his chronic pain in his neck and back decreases, that my hearing continue to improve as well as my husband's hearing, for our youngest that her forehead cyst goes away without surgery, for our oldest that her anxiety improves, for our middle child that his digestive issues improves. Please pray for my Mom and MIL who both have memory issues. Please pray for my Dad who is my Mom's caregiver. We also pray for financial stability and security. We don't need a bunch of excess finances, but enough to comfortably pay the bills and for life's expenses. Please also pray for my 98 year old Grandmother, that she maintains her health. (Abbey S)

July 8th, 2024: For Ross Deller. For peace. (Denise D)

July 8th, 2024: To be forgiven by half devil half deity quadruple hundredfold. For my life to be restored, replenished, revived, healed, and regenerated double sevenfold. (Tan P)

July 5th, 2024: For Matthew Anthony Clemente. Please pray for me and Matt to restore our broken relationship. Pray for Matthew to be enlighten and reconsider of coming back home; choose us instead of the third party. It's been a struggle for me to face the day thinking that Matt is cheating on me. Pray for me to be patient, understanding and more strength to carry this cross. In Jesus Name. Amen. Mama Mary pls pray for me and Matt; keep him safe, cover him with your protection so he can come back home soon. Thank you. (Marivi Jimenez)

July 2nd, 2024: To stop medicine. To heal me from medicine quadruple hundredfold. To heal my brain quadruple hundredfold. For so much better life. For him and her, all of them, and my nemesis to totally, fully, really, truly, and authentically forgive me from the bottom of their heart and their mind. To restore my life and my couple quadruple hundredfold. (Tan Popatas)

July 2nd, 2024: For Sugeis Marie Rivera. For the Souls in purgatory. (Ismael Rivera)

June 30th, 2024: Prayers for peace, peace of mind, mercy, and forgiveness. Prayers for guidance and protection during difficult times for my family and I, so that we may be free of the fear of uncertainty. Prayers for courage and bravery. Prayers for God's Favor and good fortune. (Christopher Y)

June 26th, 2024: Please pray for the soul of Kayla Harris who was murdered this week at the age of 24. Pray for her family and give them strength in their grief and sadness. (Amy D)

June 26th, 2024: Father pray for my son adon s he have fever started today. please pray to cure this fever. (Soji S)

June 23rd, 2024: Pls pray for me and Matthew to reconcile and reunite. May God help Matthew think of coming back home to me. (Marivi J)

June 23rd, 2024: Thank you Jesus for everything you have given to me. Whenever I asked you gave it to me. Nirosha my girlfriend did forgive me after I lied and repented for it. I want to thank you for that Jesus. But still, she didn't trust me as she did too, so I know I made the mistake and I will never do it again. Please, lord, Jesus make her close to me and make her see the real me that has changed and trust me not for the words. Make her feel more comfortable and close to me with care and love. I love her from the bottom of my heart Jesus. I ask this prayer through Jesus Christ our lord amen. (Rashmal P)

June 22nd, 2024: Complete legal justice and compensation. (Ashley J)

June 22nd, 2024: Please pray that Gary would be a Father to his biological son Caleb and provide all of his needs mental, physical, emotional, spiritual, and financial in Texas!!!

June 22nd, 2024: May the soul of Mrs. Rophina Ezediokpu Ugochukwu have eternal life and find grace before you. May she soul find peace and a place in your eternal abode. (Magnus U)

June 21st, 2024: For Shawn Snyder. In early May, Shawn was diagnosed with stage 4 esophageal and lung cancer. He is undergoing chemo and immunotherapy, at this time and for the next 12 weeks. Please pray for his care, care givers, and for him to make the best recovery possible. (Loee MG)

June 21st, 2024: My ex still tries to hurt me and dominate me, and has damaged every friendship and my standing. I have been requesting prayer for him to love me, trying to stave off the pain of reality. Please pray God mend us or just me back together beautifully. Please pray God help me forgive my ex and help me not to hurt anymore. Ty

June 18th, 2024: Nancy is still being denied by her insurance company for a procedure she requires in order to be relieved of extreme pain. This time, her doctor said he anticipates their challenge won't be rejected because they used illegal reasons for the denial. Please pray that she can have this important procedure and be able to live without terrible pain. Thank you! (Barbara B)

June 18th, 2024: Dear Lord, You are the God of Miracles and Omniscient of all. Please grant my prayers for me to graduate in my PhD program and that I will be included in the graduating list. May the CEU Graduate School Secretariat accept all my requirements and that the Dean and the University Council be kindhearted to include me in the graduating batch. I sincerely hope and pray that, You dear Father, will grant my request, in Your Holy Name. Please, please grant my prayers for me. Thank you. Amen. (Abigail A)

June 17th, 2024: Please pray according Malachi 3:10, the Company we work will provide 1 more Older person to take care nice and kind, trustworthy filled with Holy Spirit for Max and Brendaly in Reno/Sparks.

June 17th, 2024: Please pray God put the love, attraction, desire and the faithful commitment back in my exes heart for me. Please pray he reach out to me and pursue me and God bless us together. Ty

June 17th, 2024: Praying for sustenance, patience, and positive imminent result for Visa application. (Fatima M)

June 17th, 2024: I pray with the intention that I will pass my final semester subjects such as Android and Cloud Computing upon reevaluation, achieve my degree with first-class honors, avoiding a gap year so that I can graduate with my batch, and gain admission to Rajagiri College of Social Sciences, Kalamassery, for the PG program in MCA/MS in Computer Science Data Analytics, including a study abroad opportunity for the academic years 2024-26 through a merit seat to ease the financial burden on my family via the LBS entrance exam. Help me qualify the entrance exam with good marks. I also pray that the results are released as soon as possible, ideally before my birthday in June 2024, so that I can make my family proud and happy. I believe in the name of Jesus that I'll be able to gain my degree certificate and mark list from my college on July 3, 2024. I trust that what is impossible with man is possible with God. Amen. (Santhra)

June 17th, 2024: Please pray that Jesus will heal me and make me better that I will get the correct medical help and medication with no side effects and that I will be healed or feel better afterwards I pray for support through this difficult time Jesus I trust I'm your healing power immaculate heart of Mary heal and restore me amen. (Ronalda Pillay)

June 16th, 2024: Please pray according Malachi 3:10, the Company we work will provide 1 more Older person to take care nice and kind, trustworthy filled with Holy Spirit for Max and Brendaly in Reno/Sparks.

June 16th, 2024: Praying for career settlement. For my son that has behavioral issues and healing from anxiety. (NKN)

June 16th, 2024: Asking for prayers for divine intervention from Our Lord and Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal for healing of my lungs from MAC disease, coughing up blood and pneumonia. Prayers for my medical team to have wisdom to treat me so I can be healed and discharged from the hospital. Prayers to witness my miraculous healing that I have been praying for. Thank you. Praying for the requests listed on STM virtual book of prayers and many blessings to all. (Kim W)

June 15th, 2024: Prayers for Simon and I. He is overwhelmed with work, labs results, having cold feet, and feeling inadequate. Prayers for his work, help us to express our love and move in unity towards marriage. Thank you in advance.

June 15th, 2024: For Kysha Toye. She does not have any personal relationship with Jesus Christ. (1) Salvation; (2) Deliverace; (3) Protection; (4) Courage; (5) Confidence; (6) Strength and (7) Provision In Jesus Christ we pray amen. Thank You. (Greggory C)

June 14th, 2024: For the spiritual, temporal, and physical needs of the extended Stevenson family, and in thanksgiving and gratitude for graces received and prayers answered. (Daniel S)

June 13th, 2024: Prayers for a safe travel for my son and his family. Holy Spirit please come into the hearts of my family members that don't believe to open up their hearts to be close to the Lord.

June 13th, 2024: Please help me for emotional, mental, and physical healing. Lord help me to eat healthy and drink plenty of water and walk. Lord grant me conversion and healing. Grant me the conversion of Carlos Guzman and Maribel Guzman and Esteban Ignacio Aguilar Vital and Florisel Guzman and and the Guzman Vital family pray in Jesus name. Amen. Thanks. Also, I need a good Asian car and good friends. Amen. (Ivan G)

June 11th, 2024: For my sister who has ALS and is hospitalized needing a tracheotomy. Please pray for her, her husband, daughter, son, and extended family. Their anniversary is June 23rd. Thank you. (Cathleen B)

June 10th, 2024: I pray for Rev. John Eustice and his new vocation. (Anne)

June 10th, 2024: I pray for the protection of the boy group SB19 (Justin, Felip Jhon, John Paulo, Stellvester, Josh Cullen) and for the blue mantle of the Blessed Virgin to cover them against those who are trying to bring them down and destroy everything they have worked blood, sweat, and tears for because of jealousy and envy & because they covet the success SB19 has right now. I pray for their worldwide recognition and success in music and entertainment on the global stage for these very talented, yet truly humble and very hardworking boys. This I pray in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ through the loving intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the saints and angels in heaven. Amen. (Mia)

June 9th, 2024: Please pray for our newborn granddaughter Kennedy Anne (premature, now 3 weeks old), for her lungs to be healthy and function normally as the doctors try to wean her from the oxygen tubes, and for her growth and development. Thank you and God bless you. (Anthony B)

June 9th, 2024: Please undo these last knots and help Simon and I move in unity towards marriage. Change me, prepare me, and help me grow and be ready for when he asks me to marry him. Balance his work and help us through this little hiccup. Thank you in advance. (Gabby)

June 7th, 2024: I pray that I finally change from the inside out. I pray I finally change for the better in nearly every aspect of my life. I pray I finally grow up, take responsibility for my life and become the adult both me and my parents can be proud of. I pray I finally reestablish a good relationship with my mom soon. I pray I finally lose weight, get into better shape and reverse the diabetes. I pray something wonderful happens today. I pray I am ok today. I pray my health insurance covers almost all my health expenses. I pray this weekend is a nice weekend for both me and my family. I pray great miracles happen soon. I pray great events happen soon. I pray something wonderful happens today. I pray I am ok today. I pray I am ok through this quarantine period. I pray I continue to do well in my job and I am successful. I pray for a new full time legal job with great pay and good people and benefits. I pray good things happen both personally and professionally. I pray I finally meet someone special who can share their light and love and show me a new perspectIve. I pray I finally save enough money in my account so I can move out and live independently. I pray miracles happen soon. I pray I finally take dance classes within the next few months. I pray wonderful things happen soon. (Thea B)

June 2nd, 2024: Requesting prayers for (1) For God to give me strength and acceptance after losing my mom to breast cancer. It was a horrible disease to witness and a death that occurred so suddenly, that I have taken it extremely hard. (2) Praying for a better financial situation for my family. My husband lost his job and we're struggling quite a bit at this time. Thank you. (Christina)

June 2nd, 2024: Lord please please help me to lose weight quickly and help me to eat very healthy. Please my doctor told me I need to loose weight and eat plenty of veggies and fruits. Also, please increase my faith and help me to be a strong ???? person in Christ and to love and respect the ten commandments. Help me to have faith, hope, and charity. Deliver me from every evil and curse and evil people and help in my needs. I ask in Jesus name. (Ivan GV)

May 31st, 2024: Please pray for my friend to find a job this week. He has been out of work since January and he is getting depressed. There is hardly any work available in the area where he lives. I pray for him every day but he is losing hope. (Mary)

May 28th, 2024: I would like prayer to receive a very great and special miracle just for me that will completely work in my favor. Thank you. (Sharnice C)

May 27th, 2024: For Severa Surban on the second death anniversary. (Yolanda U)

May 26th, 2024: My second cousin Elizabth needs a miracle. After she was to have bilateral lung transplant Drs. told her not a condidate. Was given 6-12 months. I believe in Miracles so here is my request (in her 50's - served army 4yrs). Liz may be restored to soundness of health - healed from all health issues - scleroderma pulmonary hypertension /breathing and immunity issues / fractured clavicle and ankle also be healed. Freed from worry and fear. Sleep well. Complete and speedy recovery. Minimal discomfort. Through miraculous intercession from our Lady of Lourdes and Padre Pio her lungs be healed. Amen! I also ask for your intercession and I thank you for interceding. (Lydia R)

May 24th, 2024: Сan you please pray for my father Victor health. thank you very much!

May 23rd, 2024: Requesting prayer for a speedy recovery from surgery and the will/energy to fight cancer. (Annie VB)

May 22nd, 2023: Please pray for my mum. She hasn’t been doing good since Sunday. She is restless and shallow breathing. Her feet are swollen. She hasn’t been  sleeping at night and hallucinating. She celebrated her 87th bday yesterday. She is in good health overall but the past few days she is going through some panic attack. Please pray for her speedy recovery coz we are really worried. We love our mom to bits. Hoping for a miracle. (Elaine)

May 21st, 2024: Through the mighty name of Jesus Christ, I lift my mother in prayer. She has severe arthritis and the x-ray shows she needs knee and hip replacements. She is in excruciating pain, yet we cannot afford any of the replacements. I am praying and believing for a healing miracle from Jesus, in whose wounds we are healed. (Teddy TN)

May 20th, 2024: Please pray for the Estrella Family. (Andra L)