Upcoming Dates:
- Martin Luther King Jr. Day: In observance of the holiday, our offices and Gift Shop will be closed on Monday, January 20th.
- Our offices and gift shop will be closed on Thursday, January 23rd because our staff will be on retreat.
- Our Gift Shop will be closed on Sunday, January 26th.
- Candlemas: Since it falls on a Saturday this year, we will celebrate at all Masses on the weekend of February 2/3. We invite parishioners to bring unlit candles to the Mass of their choice to be blessed or purchase them there.
- St Blaise—Blessing of Throats: We invite those who wish to receive a blessing to our 8:00 am weekday Mass on Monday, February 3rd. The special blessing will take place immediately following that Mass.
- President's Day: In observance of the holiday, our offices and gift shop will be closed on Monday, February 17th.
Eucharistic Adoration: Please join us on Wednesday, January 22nd for a special Eucharistic Adoration. The adoration will commence immediately following our 8:00 am Mass and will continue until 3:00 pm. Additionally, we extend an invitation to participate in a special novena, 9 Days for Life, from January 16th to January 24th. This novena is a nationwide initiative for Catholics to pray for the protection of human life. For more information, please visit 9daysforlife.com
Preparing Your Taxes? If you need a copy of your 2024 donations for tax purposes, please contact Stacey Swiercinsky at 702-361-3022 or staceys@stmlv.org
Homemade Chili: The incredible members of our Women's Guild will once again be preparing their delectable chili just in time for the Super Bowl this year! They will be taking pre-orders at all Masses on the weekends of January 18/19 and 25/26. The chili will be available for pick up on February 8/9. It's $12.00 per quart (32 ounces). If you have any questions, please contact Barbara Wagner at 702-561-7727.
GriefShare—New! Are you experiencing feelings of anger, regret, or depression? Do you find yourself walking through life in a mental fog? Rest assured, these emotions are a normal part of the grieving process. While each individual's journey through grief is unique, many others are facing similar struggles. Fortunately, there are resources available to help guide you through this difficult time. We invite you to join us for our upcoming 13-week course beginning January 29th. Morning (9:30-11:30 am) and evening (6:30-8:30 pm) sessions are available. For more details and to register, please visit our GriefShare webpage. We look forward to supporting you on your journey towards healing and hope.
Bible Study: Galatians ...Join us as we explore and gain a greater appreciation for the extraordinary gift of salvation Jesus has won for us and how we can unite ourselves to his redeeming sacrifice through faith and love. We're offering in-person and virtual sessions for this study! Click here for more information!
Young Adults: Another season of Cheers + Chosen is starting in February! Click here for additional details and to register.
Legion of Mary General Reunion: Join us on Wednesday, February 5th for Mass at 8:00 am with a small celebration and luncheon to follow in the Community Center. All members & auxiliary members are invited as well as any ladies and gentlemen who would like to join the Legion. Come share our spiritual works of ministry. Please Call 702-280-7418 for any information.
Pilgrimage Opportunity: Journey on a 12-day Marian Shrines Pilgrimage with Fr. Edmund! The trip is scheduled for September 15-26, 2025. Click the flyer above for more details and visit their website at www.jerusalemadventures.com
Have You Downloaded Our Mobile App Yet? Exciting news—we've got a new app for our parishioners! Now you can easily keep up with daily readings, parish news, events, and general and sacrament information right on your phone. Plus, we'll send out messages occasionally, so make sure your notifications are turned on. To get the app, just head to the Apple App Store or Google Play Store, search for "WeConnect Parish App," and download it for free. Then just follow the setup instructions to add our parish. Happy browsing!
Spiritual Direction: Karen Schwaner Sheehy is an Ignatian-trained and Certified Spiritual Director and is our Coordinator of Spiritual Direction and Scripture Studies. She offers many studies, retreats, book clubs, and more throughout the year, but she also does individual spiritual direction. Click here to read more.
Holy Communion For The Sick: If you are unable to leave your home, please contact Patti Sabo at 702-269-3110 to arrange for an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion to visit you. If you are hospitalized, please notify the hospital staff of your Catholic faith and desire to receive Communion.