Staff Member: Karen Schwaner Sheehy
Karen Schwaner Sheehy
Coordinator of Spiritual Direction and Scripture Studies
Phone: 725-204-7319
Email: Click Here to Email
Wife, mother, devoted Catholic, certified Spiritual Director, motivational speaker, published author, and lover of the Lord. Karen enjoys finding God in all things, including hiking, working with her spiritual directees, facilitating Bible study classes, leading retreats and women’s spirituality classes, working here at St. Thomas More, and spending time with friends and family.
• Master of Theology from the University of Holy Cross in New Orleans, LA (Dec. 2019)
• Ignatian Trained and Certified Spiritual Director from the 2-year Internship at the Archdiocesan of New Orleans, LA (May 2020).
• Retreat director combining spirituality, catechesis, praying with Sacred Scripture, individual reflection, journaling, and faith sharing.
• Evangelist, public speaker, and published author.